Mission: We tell the story of èßäapp¹ÙÍø. We serve as the primary line of communication to our students, families, staff and communities. We take the lead on strategic and emergency communications, handle news media requests, and provide support to schools and the central office.
Guided by the district’s commitment to equity, we translate our efforts into five languages. Our work reflects the scope of the most diverse and largest school district in Oregon.
If you are a member of the media, we invite you to join our press list
Services We Provide
Media Relations
The media relations team responds to all requests for information and interviews by members of the local and national news media, including reporters from print, radio, television, and online news sources. We assist èßäapp¹ÙÍø staff who are contacted by reporters, and proactively inform media about the many positive stories happening throughout the District.
Members of the news media with questions about the district should contact:
The graphic designer provides design support for district departments and schools. Check the style guide for detailed information on how we visually unite our district.
- For requests by Non-èßäapp¹ÙÍø Staff: please email commsteam@pps.net
- For èßäapp¹ÙÍø Staff: please submit the
Multimedia Services
The Multimedia Services team works with our schools, administrators and district programs to create and share informative and engaging videos highlighting positive stories throughout our district and community. The team is responsible for live-streaming and broadcasting important public meetings, posting videos to èßäapp¹ÙÍø social media sites and maintaining and programming the district’s cable channel, TV28.
- For requests by Non-èßäapp¹ÙÍø Staff: please email Terry Proctor, Communications Manager/Multimedia, tproctor@pps.net
- For èßäapp¹ÙÍø Staff: please submit the
Public Records
The Public Records Officer responds to all requests for public records from members of the public and the media, and strives to provide records in a timely fashion. The Public Records Officer has the responsibility of meeting the district’s privacy obligations to students and staff and helping to promote transparency and a greater understanding of how the district carries out the public’s business. More information or request records.
Ryan Vandehey, Public Records Officer, rvandehey@pps.net, (503) 916-3385 -
Language Access Services
Language Access Services provides meaningful language access to parents by offering translated printed and digital materials, qualified language interpreters, and effective communication between the district and its multilingual communities.
Language access services also supports district wide communications, ensuring an equity lens is taken into account in its interactions with the public.
èßäapp¹ÙÍø on Social Media
The èßäapp¹ÙÍø official social media accounts are managed by Communications staff.