All-Star Awards Ceremony
Recognizing the achievements of èßäapp¹ÙÍø’s students of color and students who are new to èßäapp¹ÙÍø/United States
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At èßäapp¹ÙÍø, our priority is to elevate student voice, and to focus our work on creating an inspired, equitable, and rigorous educational experience for every student. It is particularly important that we honor our students who represent racially diverse ethnic and cultural groups across the district and have excelled despite the systemic challenges they face every day.
These students deserve recognition by both èßäapp¹ÙÍø and those who have been instrumental in their success. Historically, we honored these students in distinct recognition ceremonies including Golden Minds, Si Se Puede, Young, Gifted, and Black, and Native American Honor Day. At each event, our diverse communities rallied around our students in acknowledgment of their academic success, resilience, commitment to their culture, and personal development.
We are grateful for the work of our community to create customized recognition experiences for students that affirms their identities. This year we will build on those efforts and celebrate our collective achievements in an inclusive, single recognition ceremony that provides students with a distinguished experience while preserving the cultural elements that made each prior event unique. The evening will feature each student group, e.g., Golden Minds, New èßäapp¹ÙÍøers, Si Se Puede, Take Flight Native Pride, and Young, Gifted, and Black, and will also be accompanied by student storytelling, performances, keynote addresses, and artifacts that represent our students’ diverse experiences. Our goal is to showcase a powerful display of support to increase visibility for our diverse students and admiration for their cultures.
2025 All-Star Awards Nominations
As part of our commitment to Racial Equity and Social Justice and our vision of the Graduate Portrait, the All-Star Awards serves as an extension of the vision of èßäapp¹ÙÍø ReImagined.
The All-Star Awards Ceremony is èßäapp¹ÙÍø’ premier recognition event for students and communities of color to relish in a night full of excellence, community, and celebration. The event features five group recognitions:
API Voices for Asian and Pacific Islander student honorees
New èßäapp¹ÙÍøers for students honorees who’ve recently made èßäapp¹ÙÍø home
Sí Se Puede for Latinx student honorees
Take Flight Native Pride for American Indian and Alaska Native student honorees
Young, Gifted, and Black for African, Black, and African American student honorees
These five recognition groups come from previous individual recognition celebrations that once were all separate celebrations put on by the communities for the students and communities of that recognition group. As an effort to support all celebrations as a district, we have brought all celebrations together into one celebration.
We recognize that our students demonstrate excellence in many ways including being critical thinkers, life long learners, transformative leaders, and through their commitment to their culture and communities. If you know a student who deserves to be recognized and celebrated for who they are and what they’ve accomplished, please nominate them to be an All Star!
To nominate a student, please use . Nominations will be open Monday, January 27, 2025 and close on Monday, February 24, 2025. Please submit 1 nomination per student even if the student may qualify for multiple awards. Students will be honored on Thursday, May 15th, 2025.
Nominations can be made by teachers, staff, parents, and community members.
If you are interested in serving on any of the subcommittees to select honorees, contact Yian Saechao in the RESJ Department at
Translated Nomination Forms:
Please feel free to fill out below if it is more accessible!
All-Star Awardees
API Scholars
Britney Rebluud (Madison HS, 11)
Cindy Wu (Franklin HS, 12)
Dore Young (Franklin HS, 11)
Henry Nguyen (Benson HS, 12)
Kenny Wu (Franklin HS, 12)
Kira Chan (Cleveland HS, 12)
Lily Beeson-Norwitz (Cleveland HS, 12)
Lisa Huang (Franklin HS, 12)
Michael Yoo (Lincoln HS, 12)
Rose Vue (Roosevelt HS, 12)
Sagarika Ramachandran (Lincoln HS, 12)
Sammy Feng (Madison HS, 12)
Sean Cunningham (Wilson HS, 12)
Sharon Sherpa (Grant HS, 12)
Sophia Pham (Benson HS, 12)
Stephanie Nguyen (Jefferson HS, 12)
Taumaia (Maia) Uili (Wilson HS, 12)
Tenzin Norzin (Franklin HS, 12)
Thu Nguyen (Franklin HS, 12) -
New èßäapp¹ÙÍøers
Baizak Kobenov (Kelly ES, 1)
Bao Nguyen (Whitman ES, 2)
Daniyil Kashkan (Franklin HS, 11)
Daria Shvets (Kelly ES, 1)
Kasanet Tsegay (Irvington K-8, 5)
Liliya Demidenko (Franklin HS, 10)
Lisa Amani (Roosevelt HS, 11)
Omar Castro Larios (Lent K-8, 8)
Ramandeep Singh (Lincoln HS, 11)
Salsabel AlMasri (Madison HS, 11)
Sophia Sankova (Lane MS, 6)
Tanya Munyua (Lincoln HS, 12)
Tung Tran (Franklin HS, 12)
Violeta Molina Santos (Lincoln HS, 11)
Yordanos Mekonnen (Jefferson HS, 12) -
?S¨ª Se Puede!
Abril Miranda-Parra (Roseway Heights MS, 8)
Andrea Manzo (Roosevelt HS, 12)
Angela Cano-Hernandez (Franklin HS, 12)
Angela Gonzalez (Roosevelt HS, 12)
Aurora Mendez (Jefferson HS, 12)
Brenda Vazquez-Espinosa (Franklin HS, 12)
Cassandra Perales-Velador (Franklin HS, 12)
Enrique Zegarra-Bravo (Lincoln HS, 12)
Itan Hernandez-Salazar (Benson HS, 12)
Jeny Salinas-Moreno (Alliance HS @ Meek, 12)
Karina Alcantara (Benson HS, 12)
Kaylina Salazar-Medina (Jefferson HS, 9)
Maria del Pilar Agudelo (Lincoln HS, 12)
Maria Juan Sebastian (Roosevelt HS, 12)
Nadia Tirado-Ramirez (Roosevelt HS, 12)
Oscar Luna (Roosevelt HS, 12)
Patricia Sanchez Chavez (Lent K-8, 8)
Presley Cable (Lincoln HS, 12)
Raja Moreno (Lincoln HS, 12)
Vilma Morente de la Cruz (Franklin HS, 11) -
Take Flight, Native Pride
Ajewelina Daniels (Lincoln HS, 11)
Amaia Clinton (Roosevelt HS, 12)
Bear Slates (Alliance HS @ Meek, 12)
Cheyenne Profitt (Bridger K-8, 6)
Inde Brisneo (Skyline K-8, K)
Jett Angus (George MS, 8)
Jorja Smith (Jason Lee ES, 5)
Kimimila Anderson (Faubion PK-8, K)
Meghen Black (Benson HS, 10)
Mekhai Walker (Chapman ES, 4)
Odo Ishkiin (Jefferson HS, 12)
Raven Loper (Bridger K-8, 6)
Rose Charley-Bolyard (Jefferson HS, 9)
Siaira Ryan (Benson HS, 12)
Savana Semallie (Madison HS, 11)
Serabella Jones (MLC, 11)
St’xalq Friedlander (Lent K-8, 3)
Toli Tate (Grant HS, 12)
TyRay Stephenson (Bridger K-8, 6) -
Young Gifted and Black
Andre Tharp (Grant HS, 12)
Aries Brock (Jefferson HS, 11)
Arinze McGee (Richmond ES, 5)
Charlotte Odusanya (Lincoln HS, 12)
Clare Clark (Benson HS, 12)
DeReanna Holmes (Franklin HS, 11)
Jamari Signor (Jefferson HS, 12)
Jeanette Amisi Mmunga (Roosevelt HS, 12)
Johana Amani (Roosevelt HS, 12)
Justice English (Roosevelt HS, 12)
Khalid Jabari Miller (Madison HS, 9)
Laila Vickers (da Vinci MS, 8)
Lencho Genemo (Roosevelt HS, 12)
Michael-Ann Scardino-Moore (Cleveland HS, 12)
Milborn (Tyson) Booze (Jefferson HS, 12)
Sarah Steele (Jefferson HS, 12)
Shaylynn Daniels (Sabin ES, 2)
Tamia Miller (Jefferson HS, 11)
Zanaya Noel (Franklin HS, 12)
Zinnia Sirokman (Hosford MS, 8)