English Language Development
English Language Development
English Language Services
The English Language Development department has restructured to promote greater inclusive and integrated English Language Development instruction. Our integrated instruction effort remains unchanged and unwavering. Our restructure is our commitment to supporting key instructional shifts needed to deeply support integrated instruction. Through our cross-disciplinary collaboration, we will focus on the design of an integrated core curriculum in Language Arts that supports simultaneous language development. Ensuring our Multilingual Learners (MLLs) access to our integrated core curriculum and daily rigorous integrated instruction, grade level tasks will help all students develop strong disciplinary language and analytical practices necessary to strengthen student independence to demonstrate knowledge of content and use of high academic language.
Historically, learning has been designed to meet the needs of diverse learners through specialized programs. The needs of special education, talented and gifted students, MLLs, and culturally specific groups have often been addressed by separate programs, specialized staff, or strategies that address the challenges facing some students. Designers of inclusive learning experiences recognize that every learner is different. Differences are the norm; therefore, the notion of accessibility expands dynamically to meet needs across the range of human diversity. (Graduate Portrait p.23) Equitable outcomes and closing the opportunity gap for our historically underserved Multilingual Learners is our district priority. To keep our graduate portrait promise for MLLs they must always be at the center of our decisions and instructional priorities.
With strong partnerships and collaboration between ELD specialists, core teachers and support staff we can meet the unique needs of our MLL students and together help them attain the graduate portrait promise.
As part of the ELD Department restructure, Title III requirements have moved to the Funded Programs Department. The ELD Academic Program will oversee the initial student language screener and all the English language development instructional PD, Newcomer, & MLL instructional support.
For ELD instructional support, contact Alayna Papiacovou for grades K-5 and Jennifer Anderson for grades 6-12.
Board Goal:
By the Spring of 2022, 3rd grade reading: Close achievement gap, accelerate growth for our underserved students of color moving from 44% to 60% meeting or exceeding growth expectations as measured by end of year MAP.
ELD Department Shifts
ELD Academic Program
- Promoting greater inclusive and integrated ELD
- Integrated Instruction
- Collaborative teaching
- Academic Programs supporting all ELD instructional needs K-12 plus ELPA screener and summative
Language Access Services is your primary source for interpretation and translations.
èßäapp¹ÙÍø State Plans
Revised: May 31, 2019 - The English Language Learner Local Plan 2017-19 provides guidance and direction to all èßäapp¹ÙÍø (èßäapp¹ÙÍø) educators, our families and students regarding the options available for providing quality programs and services for our Emergent Bilinguals (EBs). It also articulates the expectations that the district holds for each school and classroom in the District. (Read More)